Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My man Paul

I love Paul Newman.  Not just for his acting abilities (incredible though they are).  Nor for his amazing philanthropy.  Nor his gorgeous blue eyes.  No, I love Paul because of his food.  I loves me some Newman's Own brand.

I was introduced to Newman's Own as a college student in Atlanta.  I spent many weekends during college at a Georgia Tech fraternity.  The brothers were pretty loyal to Newman's Own products, as Paul was a Phi Tau alum (though not at Tech).  I started trying some of his stuff as well, and loved it.  I also love that there is an organic line, and it's all reasonably priced.  Currently, I drink Newman's Own breakfast blend in the mornings.  It's sooo good!  And while grocery shopping yesterday, I came across something new in the Newman brand: Newman's Own Cabernet Sauvignon. 

I don't plan to post wine reviews on here, mainly because I rarely venture out from my favorite (La Di Da Sweet Red-- $5.98 at my HEB).  But when I saw this bottle of wine, I knew I had to try it.  And even though I'm mostly a sweet wine drinker, I give this cabernet two thumbs way up!  I totally dig it.  And it's still within my price range (about $10).

Cheers!  Thanks, Paul!

My husband made me laugh.  I swear I'm not drunk off of one glass!
I highly recommend this wine.  And the rest of the Newman's Own brand.  I've never been disappointed by it, and I admire the fact that the family donates the profits to charity.


  1. Newman's Own Breakfast Blend?? What is this?! Do tell!

  2. Ohhh, it's awesome! I get it at my local grocery store. It tastes soo good!
