Monday, April 11, 2011

I resisted as long as I could.

This weekend I took a break from nagging Steve about finishing the deck to nagging him to finally get a van.  We've been talking about getting one for over a year.  We've tried twice to get one, and each time failed.  But finally we buckled down, called CarMax, drove to Austin, and came home with this beauty.
It's new to us!  2008 Honda Odyssey

Ty loves to crawl in and play.

We are totally in love.  We even got up Sunday, packed ourselves and the kids in (pajamas and all!), and drove to pick up coffee and doughnuts. 

It's such a relief to have a vehicle that isn't crammed with car seats, reusable bags, sippy cups, toys, books, receipts and various other odds and ends.  Now there's a place for everything.  And we're ready for some road tripping!

1 comment:

  1. Thats cool! I've been having the same thought about getting one myself. I don't think I'm ready just yet to let go of my little kia but I think when I am a van or a wagon is what will replace it.
