Sunday, November 20, 2011

My Holiday Wish List

For the kids:
Educo wooden kitchen, from Amazon.

Kids Vans for Ty

Some Tiny Toms for Lily
A quilt for Lily's big girl bed (she'll move into it sometime in the summer, when Thrice occupies the crib.)

A Little Red Wagon, to put their books in.
Like this.

And for me:

Ceramic mugs

A mug tree
And some Minnetonka moccasin boots.  Yes, please.

Not quite sure what to get yet for the hardest man ever to shop for.

All pictures via my Pinterest


  1. The Minnetonka Moccasin Company headquarters is about a 1/4 mile away from my house (and not in Minnetonka, oddly enough). Perhaps I'll knock on the door the next time I run by & see if I can arrange a pick-up? :)

  2. I love the wagon idea...and the kitchen could not get any more adorable and greener for my taste!!!!

  3. And the ceramic mugs remind me of Colorado..when I use to go to Golden and other places for vacay!!! Thanks for the memories!!
