Friday, December 31, 2010

A new year, a new blog

As I sit here late at night on the last day of 2010, I reflect on everything that has changed for me in the last year.

I left my job in July. I was working as a parenting educator to teen moms at a non-profit, a job I had held for the past 3 years. When the grant that funded my position ended, I decided to become a stay at home mom to my kid. Then in September, I added another kid to the mix. And while I love-- LOVE-- being home with my children, I also miss having something to myself, something else that I can devote myself to.

Before giving birth in September, I was writing weekly articles for Examiner. I also started blogging about how I choose to live a "green" life. But when I started chasing after a 2 year old and a newborn, writing went to the bottom of the to do list. Now that we're getting on some sort of a routine during the day, I want to pick it back up. I actually wrote an article for Examiner tonight! And while I do strive for a more eco-friendly lifestyle, I want to write about more than that. So I'm combining blogs. I may occasionally write about living green, but I want an outlet to write about other things-- my hopes, my dreams, my daily musings...but let's face it. Mostly, I'll be writing about my kids!

I chose to name this blog Coffee and Wine because that it how I begin and end most days. My 2 year old wakes me up calling "mama!" I sit up, hair sticking up in the air, eyes barely open. I gingerly move off the bed, trying not to wake my 3 month old daughter and my husband. I stumble across the hall my son's room, lift him out of the crib with a hug and a kiss, and make my way to the kitchen with half-closed eyes. With that first whiff of breakfast blend, my eyes slowly open. That first sip-- ahhh! The day greatly improves.

By the end of the day, my toddler (and hopefully, my infant) is sleeping soundly. The kitchen is finally clean, coffee is ready to brew in the morning, lunch is prepared and ready to grab on the way out the door. And there is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a glass of wine, browsing the internet, watching TV, or just talking with my husband. Basically, relaxing after a hard day's work. And it is work. It's wonderful work, but still exhausting. But I love getting up and starting it all over again.

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