Thursday, May 19, 2011


A couple of weeks ago the kids and I embarked on a trip home to Georgia to surprise my parents.  The surprise went off without a hitch.  We visited with friends and family, sat outside on the back porch, went swimming at my aunt and uncle's house, and just had an all around great time.  The icing on the cake was on the way home-- Ty and I weren't assigned seats together, so when they looked up available seats, we ended up getting a free upgrade to first class!  This is the second time that has happened with Airtran-- thanks, Ty!  A two hour trip with a 2 year old and a 7 month old is much more enjoyable in big leather seats, with plenty of leg room.  PLUS the kids slept- Ty for the whole flight and Lily for about an hour.  Ahhh, it was bliss!

My only regret about the trip was that I didn't get to spend time in Atlanta (the airport doesn't count).  I lived there for 6 years, during and after college, and I have some great friends there that I haven't seen in about two years.  I know the traffic and the crime sucks, but I REALLY miss Atlanta...or more specifically, Decatur (where Agnes Scott is located, and where I actually lived).  I miss walking around the downtown area, eating at Brickstore, walking around the quiet neighborhoods full of green trees.  And while Steve would rather die than live there again, I hope to be able to get back there soon to visit friends.  It didn't help that I watched the movie "Life As We Know It," which was filmed in Atlanta.  I even got a little homesick during the scene where Josh Duhamel stands on an overpass, and looks pensively out at the Atlanta skyline.  I thought, "Damn, I know where that is."  It's sad when you start missing Atlanta overpasses...

For the record, I think the overpass was the one near Tech, around 10th street.  Am I right?


  1. I have a solution! Y'all move to Chattanooga. Then Steve doesn't have to die, and you are only two hours from Decatur! And the kids get some Aunt Poppy treatment and babysitting anytime! XOXO Trish

  2. I feel your pain, Linds! I'm dying for and ATL fix and i was just there in January. Last I checked Trackside is scheduled to reopen in late June/early July. We need an impromptu Sirens reunion (to get us through to the 10yr). xo, Em

  3. Trish, I would LOVE that! From what I've seen of Chattanooga, I dig it. :)
