Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rental House

There is one house in our neighborhood that we "affectionately" call The Rental House.  It's not the only rental house in the neighborhood, but it is the one with the most turnover.  In the 4 1/2 years that we've lived here, there have been 3, maybe 4 different families, all with their own unique brand of drama.

Tenants #1: We witnessed two fights take place there, with the cops called both times.
Tenants #2: One of the members of the family was murdered, then his body was dumped at the end of the road.  They (understandably) moved out soon after.
Tenants #3: Where to begin?  We witnessed a verbal screaming match in which a guy called his girlfriend a C U N Texas.  Cops were called.  Then one of them shot a neighbor's chihuahua.  Cops were called.  I suspect that they're dealing drugs.  One just bought a new truck-- then their appliances were repo'd.  Now they're moving, and a UHaul truck has been parked outside for the past 3 days.  Today is the first day I've actually seen them loading it.

Now, I know I have my Judgy McJudgerson pants on when it comes to this house, but really.  It just has bad karma, and seems to attract some shady folk.  Our neighbor informed us that it was used as a drug house before we even moved here. 

I'm so excited to see who will move in next!

I don't get out much.

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