Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In which I want to cuss out Blogger

I spent 2 days on this damn post.  Not because it was insightful or riveting, but because I'm a slacker, and procrastinated.  I ranted about the shooting in Arizona.  I posted pictures of my kids, and wrote witty little sayings.  Then for some reason, Blogger chose to not only NOT post this fantastic, verbally brilliant post of mine, but to not honor my copy and paste!  To hell with you, Blogger!  (But I'll keep you because you're usually easy to post with.)

Let me try this one more time.

::It is deceptively warm outside.  
Check out the rock wall that Steve built!
 Blue skies, bright sun...but then you walk outside.  YOWZA!  It's 40 degrees!  In other words, really freakin' cold here in South Texas!  We're freezing our asses off!  (Stop laughing, Northerners, Midwesterners, Coloradans, and Georgians-experiencing-snow-and-ice!)

::Lily needs barrettes in her hair.  I struggled with this, because I'm not a fan of big bows on my kid (on others, adorable!)  I also didn't want anything plastic or glittery in her hair.  I should have known that the best store ever (aside from their endorsement of asshole candidates) would have what I was looking for.

::Ty likes to help with laundry/pull it all out so he can lounge in the basket.
::I made Tofu Peanut Udon Noodles the other night, while talking on the phone with my mom in Georgia.  When I told her what I was cooking, she was skeptical.  "Do you think Ty will eat that?" she asked.
He's a fan!

::Sometimes, Mama just needs a break.
Thank you, swing and "Fresh Beat Band"

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