Saturday, January 22, 2011

So what?

As a parent, I am constantly questioning how I am raising my kids.  The news is full of research that makes us second-guess what we are doing.  Will my kids be holy terrors because I don't spank?  Will letting Lily sleep in our bed cause her to never be independent?  Will my kids have low IQ's because they weren't breast fed?  Will Ty still be rocking BumGenius diapers in kindergarten because he's not potty trained yet?*

*The answer to the above questions is no.

The other day I mentioned to a friend that I was creating a bad habit with Lily.  She usually sleeps in the sling for her afternoon nap and when she falls asleep at night.  My friend looked at me and said, "So what?"  The more I thought about it, I agreed.  So what?  She's sleeping.  Sure, it may be harder to get her to sleep on her own, or to learn to self-soothe.  But right now, she needs me to help her get to sleep.  Hell, she's not even 4 months old yet! 

It got me thinking about other "So what?" parenting decisions that I have made.

:: My children love to sleep close to us-- in a sling, or on our bed.

:: I let Ty watch TV.

Here, Ty does the "We Did It!" dance from Dora
 :: My kids love to play in ugly, plastic exersaucers.

:: My son used a pacifier until he was 2.

:: I took my baby out in public at 5 days old.

:: I let my son occasionally color on the walls.

Because then he has to clean it up.

1 comment:

  1. You go mom! I think we rush our kids into being placed into a neat little "norm". Eva still has a pacifier and she is 3! Is it convenient for me...sure. Does she still rely on it...sure. Besides, my kids write on the walls too! :)
