Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To my children: a love letter

Lily, I love how unpredictable you are.  One day you're sleeping 3 solid naps a day, 10-12 hours at night.  The next you're up twice at night, taking maybe 2 thirty minute naps.  Oh, did I say love?  I meant strongly dislike.

Ty, you are so wonderfully empathetic.  But really, you don't have to cry in the car just because your sister is.  I know she's crying.  Loudly.  I hear it.  But thanks for the heads up.

Lily, my friend, why are you such a heavy wetter?  I'm trying to save the planet, and use cloth diapers during the day AND night.  Instead, you want to stomp all over Mother Earth and wake up when your cloth diaper gets just a little wet.  I've accepted that your brother is going to pee a river overnight which requires disposables, but damn it, you're a lady! 

Ty, can you please decide on your favorite Nick Jr show?  I record an ungodly amount of "Fresh Beat Band" episodes, to the point where I'm excited when a new one premieres, and then you decide that "Dino Dan" is better. It's not.  It's equally as annoying.

And to both of you: will you please have a talk with one another and decide which one of you is going to wake mama up at night?  Because the tag teaming is gettin' old.

Love, Your sleep deprived mother

Obviously, this post is in jest, and I love the hell out of these two kids-- crying, night wakings, annoying dinosaur shows and all!


  1. Dino Dan is much less annoying than Fresh Beat Band. Nothing is more annoying than Yo Gaba Gaba.

  2. No way! Fresh Beat Band has some catchy tunes-- even Steve and I find ourselves humming along. You just have to tune out the "acting." The only saving grace of Dino Dan is the cameo appearances by Kids in the Hall cast members. But I agree with you on Yo Gabba Gabba. :)

  3. Maybe if I could get past the acting it wouldn't be so bad. I don't mind Dino Dan I guess its because there's no singing. I can't deal with a lot of that.
