Sunday, September 11, 2011

The obligatory post

Where were you when...

JFK was assassinated?
The space shuttle Challenger exploded?
9/11 happened?

The first, not even a twinkle in my 2 year old mother's eyes.  The second, I was 3 1/2 years old, probably at Miss Brenda's play school.

The third, I was 19 years old, a sophomore at Agnes Scott College.  Brushing my teeth before class, my roommate called to me from our room down the hall.  I walked back and saw what was happening.  We watched for awhile, then left to walk to class.  I stopped in the art building to watch for a minute on the small TV there, and continued to the dance center.  I slung jazz hands for an hour, then watched again from the art center as one of the towers fell.  I ran to the student center, where the majority of the students gathered to watch the events unfold.  I clustered with friends.  I called my parents.  I cried.  I went to sociology class, where we discussed what had happened.  I went to some friends' apartment, had some drinks, watched the news more.  Classes and CNN are what occupied my time for about 2 weeks.

So yeah, I remember where I was. 

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