Monday, February 21, 2011

Sleep, you elusive mistress

Yep, it's another post in which I bitch about my kids not sleeping.

Lily's  napping has improved somewhat.  At least 3-4 days a week, she takes a pretty good 1 1/2 hour afternoon nap.  Which is ironic, because at least 3-4 days a week, Ty boycotts his nap.  And that is NOT good for him.  He fights it Every.  Single.  Day.  Sometimes he eventually drifts off, others he does not.

It came to a head Saturday.  I got him up at 7 for the 5K that we were running walking.  Put him down for a nap around 1 (normal time) and he just would not sleep.  So we decided he could just go to bed early.  Around 5 he and I ran down the road to pick up a movie.  He wanted to keep riding around, so I took the long way home.  And he fell asleep-- HARD!  No matter what we did, he would not wake up.  He napped for about 30-45 minutes, and we had to wake him up about 6 to eat.  Hoo boy, that was not fun.  He sobbed and screamed and kicked and yelled and hit and whined...  He was so tired.  He screamed during his shower, screamed when we tried to hold him.  We tried putting him to bed.  I laid down with him, talked softly, until it escalated to me threatening him.  I finally broke down crying at about 9, because I was so mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.  Steve convinced me to just let him hang out with us until we went to bed.  So Ty was released from his room, where he proceeded to play and watch "Iron Man 2" with us until we all went to bed at midnight.

So that's the shitty thing about having 2 young kids.  As soon as you get one figured out, the other one lobs something else at you.

**Montage Mondays have been temporarily discontinued, due to the fact that I am so busy just trying to keep the house from collapsing under piles of laundry that I have not had time to take many pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry they aren't sleeping right. That makes life so difficult when they are on different schedules. I wish I could offer some sage "my kids are older" wisdom but naps are something I never figured out. Good luck, I hope they get back to sleeping for you soon.
