Thursday, February 3, 2011

Antarctica, and other random musings

Oh my god, it is SO COLD!  San Antonio has been hit by an "arctic freeze" this week, dropping temperatures from a balmy 75 on Monday to a cold and windy 30 on Tuesday.  Yesterday and today the temps were in the 20s, due to the cloud coverage, and tonight we may get snow.  But I'm skeptical.  In December of '09 the forecast called for freezing temperatures and snow one day.  Work was canceled.  So I stayed home, giddy with the anticipation of snow-- only to wake up and find glaring sunlight and maybe 2 flakes (though it did snow on the south side of town-- where my work was located.)  So when I hear a forecast of snow, I take it with a grain of salt.

To be expected, we've been spending a lot of our time bundled up inside.  I will barely open the back door to let the dogs out.  I think we're all going a little stir crazy, though.  Ty had a meltdown today because he couldn't open the glitter stickers he found.  I finally took them away from him, causing hysterics, which then set Lily off.  Is it 5:00 yet?  Can I crack open a beer? 

And then Lily, who has been barely spitting up and in much better spirits since her switch to soy formula, did not want to be put down.  I couldn't even sit down with her; she wanted me to be up and moving, while she took in the world from the view over my left shoulder.  I'm hoping it's a temporary mood shift.  Maybe it's because she refuses to nap more than 20-30 minutes at a time during the day (though she's been a rock star overnight!)  Maybe my expectations are too high, and that's just how she's going to nap.  And it wouldn't be such a big deal if she wasn't so cranky afterward.  So I know she didn't get all of her sleep out.  I would love for her to learn to soothe herself, but it just ain't happening.  And no, I will not allow my 4 month old to cry it out.  I guess I'll just have to suck it up and see what happens.  Any suggestions???

Yep, she's up again.


  1. Sound machine maybe? We used one with Hayden since he was an itty bitty baby. Maybe that'll help her!!

  2. Yep, tried it-- she falls asleep with it, but doesn't stay asleep!
