Saturday, April 23, 2011

It was a good day.

I was a good mom today.

Yesterday, I wasn't.

I yelled.  I threw things (not while the kids were around, of course).  I was stressed.  I was mean.  I wasn't proud of myself.

I've been stressing about so many things.  The ongoing, unending renovations to the house that Steve is single-handedly undertaking, which has left our backyard a mess- or at least a bigger mess than it already was.  Trying to keep the house (somewhat) clean, without leaving Lily's sight-- she tends to cry if she can't see me, which sets Ty off, and we all know that a 6 month old and 2 year old tandem crying fit is super awesome.  Lily is also still waking up at night, though she is more than capable of sleeping completely through it (as she has done before).  So last night I started the process of weaning her from her overnight bottle.  She's not hungry, it's just habitual.  Therefore, I was awake from 3:30 until about 6:15, calming her when she would wake up. 

Surprisingly, I do pretty well on 4-5 hours of very broken sleep.  Of course, a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks helped tremendously.

Aside from a trip to the Forum (local shopping area) with Lily for Easter basket gifts while Ty was hanging out and riding around with Steve, we just stayed at home and relaxed.  Ty skipped his nap, so he watched a little "sticky that-way" (his way of saying dinosaurs...not sure where he got that from) on "Dino Dan," then we played outside while Lily napped.  He hopped like a frog, played with "baby rocks," "flew" (me holding him up in the air-- my arms will feel that tomorrow), and laid down and stared up at the sky through the green branches.  It was fantastic.  We had nowhere to be.  The house was somewhat clean, laundry was going, baby was sleeping.  Nice and peaceful.  Then for a little "me" time, I hit up the gym and started week 2 of the Couch to 5K program.  Now, the kids are asleep and I'm enjoying a nice glass of wine, loving the peace and quiet.

Well, it's somewhat quiet.  Steve keeps yelling at the TV while he watches the Spurs playoff game.

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