Thursday, April 7, 2011

Texas oak, I bow down to you.

After years of denial, it's time that I finally admitted something.  Something I've been running away from for quite some time.  Something that affects me yearly, though I'm loathe to admit it.

Hi, my name is Lindsay...and I have allergies.

I really don't understand how this happened.  I mean, I grew up in Georgia.  Where everything is yellow-green from the pollen for the entire months of March and April.  24 years of dealing with Southern pollen and I was always fine.  Nary a cold!

I moved to south Texas in the summer of 2006.  I was fine.  Then, in the spring of 2007, I got a cold.  Then another in 2008.  And 2009.  And 2010.  And this year.  My friend Cathy has always insisted that it was allergies, but no, I was adamant.  "Pshaw!  You call this pollen?  The pollen in Georgia would laugh at this pollen, then throw it down and kick it's ass!" 

Then last Wednesday I woke up with a very sexy, raspy voice.  Ooh la la.  By that evening it was accompanied by it's good friend, the mucus-y cough.  It got worse on Thursday.  By Friday, I was coughing and sneezing.  My eyes were itchy and my nose was running.  It's still here, a week later.  And now, I'm ready to admit defeat.

I'm sorry, Georgia pollen.  I was immune to you.  But the south Texas oak has claimed another victim.

My friend Angie recommended that I take 1 tablespoon of local honey each day, which helps build an immunity to the local allergens.  Makes sense to me!  So my next course of action is a trip to the farmers market on Saturday for a nice size bottle of local honey.  If I survive until then...

1 comment:

  1. You know I only have allergies here in Colorado...its the dry dust that kills me, in atlanta I was fine! ugh!
